Everything We Know About Avatar Sequels

By Toby Tunwase May 17, 2020

Coming off from the huge success of James Cameron Avatar release, the sequels might just be the next big thing. The first of these sequels is set to be released by 2021. But, before this release, we would throw a quick look back at the past and review all we know about this phenomenal piece.

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The Movie Release Odyssey

At the first stance, Avatar 2 had a release date slated for 2015. But this schedule would not stand due to several challenges the release faced, necessitating a Christmas release without a year in particular. Later on, the movie had another release date for 2020 and that seemed more assuring. The new scheduling by Disney however, forced another delay on the movie release due to their merger with Fox. The new release date is now set for the 17th day of December 2021.

The Rating of The Avatar Sequels

Even though no one has an idea of the storyline of the sequel actually, the Rated R Territory does not seem like the sequel’s destination. The 2009 version of the movie was rated PG-13. The subsequent releases following it will also hope to stick with this rating.

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James Cameron’s Interest

For Cameron, Avatar is a passion work as he devoted years into the script development and all of the technological insertions the first movie paraded.

He still handles the sequel productions, making a number of amazing changes to the cast ensemble and the script development by calling on more hands. With this passion, each sequel will reflect that the 2009 original movie was in no way a fluke.

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