Netflix’s The Wave Reveals Dynamic Youth Rebellion
Netflix’s We Are the Wave, is more than a drama about teenagers and how they rebel. The series has historical roots that take a closer look at Morton Rhue’s novel The Wave, which fictionalized the story of a ’60s high school.
It all began in a High School in the year 1967 when one of the students prompted their history tutor and how the Germans were able to adopt the Nazi regime and era.
Ron Jones was a beloved history teacher who was known for his unorthodox teaching ways. He invited guest speakers like the infamous klansmen.
Ron made the mostly-white students use other toilets in simulations of the Apartheid, and he directed his students to come up with ten strong arguments for and against the Vietnam War and the happenings. Jones, on the other hand, promised his students that they would all get A’s if they the new exercise strictly. The students embraced the game and decided to do it.
It wasn’t until Ron Jones published his own account of his experience a few years later on regarding the experiment that the public understood what they were doing.
On the fifth day of the experiment, Mr. Jones put all the students in a rally where they awaited the announcement of their party leader on nationalized TV, which he unveiled the gimmick by playing the said footage of Hitler and the Nuremberg Rally instead.